College Recruiting Made Easy! (44 Sports)

Now. Search for and find potential student athletes at your desk!

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Grad Year, GPA/SAT/ACT, Player Position, All League, All State, Varsity Starter and much much more!

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State of the art search engine, Recruiting Board, Notes Tracker, Athlete Profiles, Automated Recruiting Resources, etc.

Makes your job easier

Bonus: Search in Privacy - Athletes can only know you viewed them if you tell them!!!

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Consider the benefits.

Would you invest $100 a year to get 1-2 signed recruits for your program?

Trying to find college prospects is a big challenge. Now you can have access to hundreds of athletes by position or events that you need to recruit at the click of a button. We make sports recruiting an easier process and find numerous potential college athletes both inside and outside of your normal recruiting areas and regions!

Only $11 a month

or $100 a year. (Save $32!)


JUNIOR COLLEGE RECRUITING® is a Division of COLLEGE COACHES CONNECTION and SPORTAMERICA. We are a group of current and former College Coaches that scout, evaluate and work with serious high school athletes to attain athletic scholarships that want legitimate college sports recruiting opportunities. We have had 100% of the athletes that work with us in our mentoring program receive multiple college sports recruitment opportunities. Junior College Recruiting® is the only sports recruiting organization in the entire country that has been conceived, built and is operated exclusively by College Coaches.

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